Thursday, March 10, 2016


 Life is like a box of crayons. Most people are the 8-color boxes, but what you're really looking for are the 64-color boxes with the sharpeners on the back. I fancy myself to be a 64-color box, though I've got a few missing. 
              --John Mayer
I feel like you don’t just become an amazing box of 64 different colored crayons; you have to slowly acquire more. Maybe one day you get a turquoise or a few shades of silver, but getting there will take time. We often think other people have the full 64 colors when in reality they only have 24. We continuously compare ourselves noticing all the colors we don’t have. You don’t need 64 colors to create something beautiful. 


  1. I love the last line "you don't need 64 colors to create something beautiful"

  2. We often think other people have the full 64 colors when in reality they only have 24.

  3. "Maybe one day you get a turquoise or a few shades of silver, but getting there will take time." I love the idea of slowly gaining your crayons/colors

  4. That picture of the elephant is so beautiful!

  5. "We often think other people have the full 64 colors when in reality they only have 24." YOOOOOOO I never thought of it this way. Cool.
